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Pastel Brushstroke Cake

Pastel Brushstroke Cake


Serves:  Party 80

Stay ahead of the latest trends with this very fashionable Pastel Brushstroke Cake.

Pick up and delivery available in 7 days

Prices may vary in store. Pick up and delivery available in 7 days - Please order by 3pm to ensure availability. Choose a date & location at checkout.
Cancellation Policy

This product has a 7 day lead time so if you do need to cancel this order, you will need to do so 7 days or more ahead of pick up.

Our 7 day policy is in place for the following reasons:

  1. To allow enough time for any specific decorations that need to be ordered or hand crafted by one of our decorating specialists. The custom sugar work involved can take days of crafting, curing and painting once stock arrives from suppliers.
  2. Our cake decorators are in high demand and their rosters are created weeks in advance to ensure we meet the needs for all of our customers and their decorated cake orders.
  • We accept:

Two tiers of delicious cake are masked in buttercream but the art comes in the form of the delicious paint brush strokes of Pastel coloured chocolate that climb up through the cake.

Standard Serving Size - 5cm x 2.5cm

Serving Size

Serves 80 people (5cm x 2.5cm)