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Queen Victoria Market

Wurundjeri Country

513 Elizabeth Street
Dairy Hall @ Queen Victoria Market
Melbourne VIC 3000

0497537077 victoriamarket@fergusonplarre.com.au

Open today until 3:00 PM

Eftpos, Visa, Uber Eats available.

Full opening hours
Day Name Open Hours
Monday Closed
Wednesday Closed

Tarn is warming up the Dairy Hall with his massive smile! One of the longest existing stores at the Queen Vic, and still the only franchise, the store has been there since the early 1900's! The great part of working at Queen Victoria Market is being a part of the vibrancy, culture and uniqueness of one of the largest & most diverse markets in the world. Tarn and his team can't wait to see you at Queen Victoria Market very soon for a coffee, cake and a pie. Whatever treat you would like, Tarn is there to help you out!