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Inspired Custom Wedding Cakes

For those happy couples that are looking to take a non-traditional route to their wedding day, there are some great wedding cakes out there to look at for inspiration.

For a traditional wedding cake, you’ve also come to the right place – Ferguson Plarre Bakehouses have been creating wedding cakes for many generations. Click here to view our range of wedding cakes

The great thing is, with the talent that we have in our Cake Decorating room, we’re sure that we can recreate pretty much any wedding cake you ask for. Go on, test us. We dare you!

Visit your local Ferguson Plarre and speak to our staff about our custom cakes

Doctor Who Wedding Cake

The perfect cake for you and your companion on your travels throughout the universe

The Corpse Bride

Star Wars Wedding Cake

May the force wed us

Back to the (Wedding in the) Future

Batman Wedding Cake

When you just can’t decide whether you’re on the side of good or evil, why not go for a cake that has a bit of both!

The Pixelated Wedding Cake

For a match made in video game heaven

Star Trek Wedding Cake

Well, after all, they do say that a wedding is when you actually do go where no-one has gone before.

The Walking Dead

Did you know that our Cake Decorators can build almost any custom designed cake. Just speak to your local store and we’ll start working our cake magic.

Find your local Ferguson Plarre Bakehouse online