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Not Cross Buns for the Good Friday Appeal

Thank you everyone for your passionate responses about Not Cross Buns. We understand that the perfect solution would be for no business to sell Hot Cross Buns until much nearer to Easter…in fact that is our goal!

We’ve spent 20 years not selling Hot Cross Buns until much closer to Easter and unfortunately this has not made any difference. Nor have public letters written to the supermarkets…

Our Not Cross Bun campaign is an attempt to bring attention to a matter that we feel is important.

Our Not Cross Buns have been getting such great support that we are going to donate 20c from every full priced bun to the Royal Children’s Hospital ‘Good Friday Appeal’ and we want to challenge both Coles and Woolworths to join us!

Together lets get them to rise to the challenge!

Order Not Cross Buns online today and #JoinTheMovement #NotCrossBun