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Share the love for Coffee

Share the love and we might shout you a coffee…

Tag a friend that you would love to share a coffee with, in the comments section of Facebook, Google+ or Instagram, for the chance to win one of 50 free coffees at your local Ferguson Plarre Bakehouse.

Entry Details:

Tag a friend that you would like to share a coffee with this Valentines Day. Just add their name to the comments section of Facebook, Google+ or Instagram for the chance to win one of 50 free coffees

To enter, leave a comment on our facebook page, or in the comments section of this blog tagging a friend and we’ll randomly choose 50 people win a free coffee from your local Ferguson Plarre Bakehouses!

#SayItWithCake and make sure you unleash your inner romantic for the chance to win!

Terms and Conditions:
  • All entries must be posted by midnight, 8th February, 2015
  • Competition is restricted to Victorian residents only
  • Winners will be announced on the 10th February, 2015
  • Winner will be picked at random
  • Only 50 free coffees available
  • Prize cannot be redeemed for cash
  • Ferguson Plarre Bakehouses reserve the right to not include any responses that they deem invalid for the competition, inappropriate or offensive
  • Winner must be able to pick up their prize from their local Ferguson Plarre Bakehouses

Say it with Cake this Valentines Day at Ferguson Plarre Bakehouses.

If you are looking for a valentines gift for the person you love, look no further. Our Valentines Day range includes Gingerbread Biscuits, Chocolate Mud Hearts, delicious cakes & cupcakes!